Wednesday 29 February 2012

27 th Monday feb 2012 Bunya Mountains Day one Josie attempts to set up tent 1hr .Josie has not stopped talking have car stereo and mp3 for sale unused.Went for short walk 3.4 km Josie started whining that it s not a short walk. Tuesday morning Josie has tick on forehead been there all night offered to kill it with hammer  Josie said no  .Let Josie suffer with headache and swelling now she s whining, removed tick with tweezers whining that hurt .Josies dress sense she looks like a gypsy people are looking at us i wish i was invisible  .This girl has no camp etiquette her undies are hanging of the tent ropes i have to say something .This could be a looooooooooong trip i mean really long painfully long .Walked from Dandabah to Burtons well 25km return, Josie starts whining after  10 km, whining unbearable i try to push her off cliff .I think someone has already tried this she knew what i was up to still whining Josie trips over stinging nettle tree, whining intensifies she says it hurts like an ant bite , i told her you just learnt something .  Back at camp Josie is exhausted GIRLS .Made Josie cup of coffee and cake whining is less now  .Left Bunya Mountains Josie bought mean an  ice cream i think shes feeling guilty. Josie cooked dinner .At last she is finally useful sets up her own tent 13 minutes there s hope yet .


  1. Day 1 and already you are whining about your lady companion . . . come on! She is not a woman if she doesn't whine, you should know that by now Darren. She at least had the decency to cook you a meal after trying to push her off a cliff, geez. Give it a few days and she'll settle down otherwise you really have no option but to put up or shut up he he he.

  2. Havent had a laugh like that for ages. Thanks Darren for making my day...

  3. Thanks for the Skype chat...not sure I want the webcam to work tho after Darrens comments... fashion police...hehe
