Wednesday 6 June 2012

Albany WA. part of the Bibblumun Track walk

The Gap bridge arch

Salmons Holes Beach

Jimmy Newhills inles

The Gap


  1. Beautiful photos, i hope you took advantage of all that free fish, seems as though ya cant catch much, darren. Sunfish are one of the best table fish to eat. Whats with the fire on the solar panel? just as well it didnt do that in the car, or did you do that. Bodgie brothers repair shop hey!!

  2. Hey Jen Yes my repair is a little questionable 150 klms from town with nothing else to use for repair you can see what i did as a child melting plastic burning model airoplanes etc comes in handy later . Fixed now with a tube of silicone cost me $8 bargain battery would have cost $275
